The cosmetology industry is steadily growing. So much so, that the number of professional salon employees, 1.7 million greatly outnumbers the number of lawyers across the United States. Not only is the industry growing but so are the career possibilities. A cosmetologist can easily move into any number of jobs such as esthetician, hair stylist, makeup artist, product sales representative and many more.
- 1,682,641 professionals were employed in 370,215 salons, which included nail salons, barber shops, beauty salons, and unisex salons
- There has been an 18.3% growth in the number of salons during the past three years
- 65% of salons are employer-owned, an increase since 2003*
*The National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences (NACCAS) 2007 Job Demand in the Cosmetology Industry report.