Evening For Earth: Photo Contest
It is time to kick off the annual Earth Month Poster Photo Contest!!! Every year we hold a contest that gives you, our students, the chance to be the stylist behind our earth month poster! This is a huge opportunity to have your work on posters, social media, and even the tickets for our Evening for Earth Event! Check out some of our winners from years past:
How to Enter:
This year we will be hosting the contest on Instagram!!! We have created a hashtag that will allow us to see all of your work collectively. Follow the steps below and get creating!
Step 1: Create your Image!
Either on a real model or a Dede head! Get creative, think of all the elements that you would want in your perfect shoot (model, lighting, location, wardrobe, and of course hair and makeup). Think outside the box. Literally, go outside, this is an EARTH Month poster after all!
Step 2: Post your Image on Instagram
With the appropriate Hashtags- make sure that your image gets seen by us and your peers. The top 5 images with the most likes will be entered into our judges panel for a final vote on the winning image.
-What are the Hashtags? #1TreeCan ( This is the theme of the shoot) and #AvedainstitutePortland ( Tag us so we cans we your work!)
-What is the goal? The goal of posting is to get the most likes (on the original image)! We will not count likes on shared imaged even though that's awesome if your work get shared. Be sure to tell you friends and family to vote by liking on the original image. The top 5 images with the most likes will be entered into the final round and a winner will be selected by a panel of judges.
Step 3: Market yourself!
Make sure your image gets seen and don't stop encouraging people to like your post. The Contest begins TODAY ( Tuesday March 1st) and voting ends on (Monday March 14th at 10am). Winner will be announced Tuesday the 15th and the winner will re-shoot their image with photographer Mark Daniel Muzzy on Thursday March 17th!
Pro Tip: The sooner you post your image the more opportunity you will have to get likes. You can post at any time during the duration of the contest but just keep in mind " the sooner the better!"
*Winner must have a model that is available for Thursday photoshoot*
The Theme for 2016
The theme for this years Evening for Earth is #1TreeCan. Did you know that....
One Tree Can............Absorb over a ton of carbon.
One Tree Can.....Provide hundreds of pounds of oxygen.
One Tree Can....Act as a habitat for thousands of species.
Wait there's more!!!!!
Over the course of 50 years..One Tree can....Provide $62,000 worth of air pollution.
Over the course of 50 years..One Tree Can... Control $31,500 worth of soil erosion.
Over the course of 50 years..One Tree Can... Recycle $37,500 worth of water.
Check out these amazing resources for even MORE info on all that trees can do and let your imagination run wild! Let us know what #1TreeCan means to Y-O-U!
Short Films:
Trees in Art:
(Top left: Emily Carr; Top Right: Ansel Adams; Bottom Left:Imogen Cunningham; Bottom Middle: Georgia O'Keeffe; Bottom Right: Bob Ross)
Trees in Fashion:
Trees in Film:
(Top Left: Harry Potter; Bottom Left: Fern Gully; Top Right: The Fantastic Mr. Fox;Bottom Right: Pan's Labyrinth)
Trees in Song:
Redwood Tree- Van Morrison ( Listen Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nyjW9aGSOI )
Big Yellow Taxi- Joni Mitchell ( Listen Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94bdMSCdw20 )
Earth Song- Michael Jackson ( Listen Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAi3VTSdTxU )